Literary Theory: Search Fields

You can search Literary Theory by the following fields:

From the Glossary Search page, you can search on either or both of the following fields.


From both of the Search pages, you can use the Keyword field to search for any word or phrase contained within a work or definition. To enter terms into the search box:

For example:
Keyword - 'irony'
Keyword - 'closed criticism'

When searching in the Keyword field, you can use truncation to retrieve documents containing variations on a term. If you choose to search for more than one term, you can also combine them using Boolean and proximity searching.


From the Search page, you can use the Author field to search for the works of any particular author in the database. To enter terms in the Author search box:

For example:
Author - 'Barthes, Roland'

When searching in the keyword field, you can use truncation to retrieve works containing variations on a term. If you choose to search for more than one term, you can also combine them using Boolean and proximity searching.


From the Search page, you can limit a search to a particular subject or subjects. To restrict your search to a particular subject or subjects, select the required subject(s) from the Subject drop-down list.


From the Search page, you can limit your search to search for a specific title. To search for a specific title, select one or a selection of titles from the title browse list.

Note: Windows users can multi-select contiguous terms using SHIFT+CLICK and non-contiguous terms using CTRL+CLICK. Highlighted terms can be deselected by moving the cursor to the relevant term and using CTRL+CLICK.

Date of Publication

You can limit a search to works published in a particular year or during a range of years. The default values appearing in the search boxes represent the earliest and most recent years relevant to the Literary Theory database.

The Date of Publication field can be searched in several different ways:

  • To search on a range of years, enter the relevant values into the From and to search boxes.

    For example:
    Date of Publication - 1975 to 1985

  • To search on one particular year, enter the same value into both of the search boxes.

    For example:
    Date of Publication - 1985 to 1985

  • To search on a given year and all subsequent years, enter the first date in the range into the From search box.

    For example:
    Date of Publication - 1900 to 1990

  • To search on a given year and all preceding years, enter the later date in the range into the to search box.

    For example:
    Date of Publication = 1665 to 1990

    Date of Composition

    You can search for works composed in a particular year or era. The default values appearing in the search boxes represent the earliest and most recent years relevant to the Literary Theory database.

    To search within a particular year or era of composition, select the required option from the drop-down box


    type your term[s] directly into the Literary Term search box.

    Send your suggestions, comments or queries to our .

    (Literary Theory version 00:1)